Gcloud Education

At gcloud.education, our mission is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date information about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and all the different components within GCP. We aim to be the go-to resource for individuals and organizations looking to learn about cloud development and deployment. Our goal is to empower our users with the knowledge and skills they need to leverage the power of GCP and succeed in their cloud-based endeavors.

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It provides a range of services including computing, storage, networking, data analytics, machine learning, and more. GCP is designed to help businesses and individuals build, deploy, and manage applications and services on the cloud. This cheat sheet is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of GCP and its various components.

Getting Started with GCP

  1. Create a GCP Account: To get started with GCP, you need to create a GCP account. You can sign up for a free trial account that provides $300 in credits for 12 months.

  2. Choose a Billing Plan: GCP offers a range of billing plans, including pay-as-you-go, monthly invoicing, and committed use discounts. Choose a billing plan that suits your needs.

  3. Create a Project: Once you have a GCP account, you can create a project. A project is a container for resources such as virtual machines, storage buckets, and databases.

  4. Enable APIs: GCP provides a range of APIs that allow you to access its services. You need to enable the APIs you want to use in your project.

  5. Install the GCP SDK: The GCP SDK provides a command-line interface for managing your GCP resources. Install the SDK on your local machine.

GCP Components

  1. Compute Engine: Compute Engine is a virtual machine service that allows you to create and manage virtual machines on the cloud. You can choose from a range of machine types and operating systems.

  2. Kubernetes Engine: Kubernetes Engine is a managed container orchestration service that allows you to deploy and manage containerized applications on the cloud.

  3. App Engine: App Engine is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that allows you to build and deploy web applications on the cloud. It supports several programming languages and frameworks.

  4. Cloud Functions: Cloud Functions is a serverless computing service that allows you to run code in response to events. You can write functions in several programming languages.

  5. Cloud Storage: Cloud Storage is a scalable object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data on the cloud. It supports several storage classes and access tiers.

  6. Cloud SQL: Cloud SQL is a managed relational database service that allows you to create and manage MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server databases on the cloud.

  7. Cloud Spanner: Cloud Spanner is a globally distributed relational database service that allows you to create and manage databases that can scale horizontally across multiple regions.

  8. BigQuery: BigQuery is a serverless data warehouse service that allows you to analyze large datasets using SQL queries. It supports several data formats and integrates with several data sources.

  9. Cloud Pub/Sub: Cloud Pub/Sub is a messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between applications and services. It supports several messaging patterns.

  10. Cloud Dataflow: Cloud Dataflow is a managed data processing service that allows you to process and analyze data in real-time or batch mode. It supports several data sources and sinks.

  11. Cloud Machine Learning Engine: Cloud Machine Learning Engine is a managed machine learning service that allows you to train and deploy machine learning models on the cloud. It supports several machine learning frameworks.

  12. Cloud Vision API: Cloud Vision API is a machine learning-based image analysis service that allows you to analyze images and extract information such as labels, faces, and text.

  13. Cloud Speech-to-Text API: Cloud Speech-to-Text API is a machine learning-based speech recognition service that allows you to transcribe audio into text.

  14. Cloud Text-to-Speech API: Cloud Text-to-Speech API is a machine learning-based text-to-speech service that allows you to convert text into natural-sounding speech.

  15. Cloud Translation API: Cloud Translation API is a machine learning-based translation service that allows you to translate text between languages.

GCP Concepts

  1. Regions and Zones: GCP is divided into regions and zones. A region is a geographic area that contains one or more zones. A zone is a deployment area within a region.

  2. Projects: A project is a container for GCP resources such as virtual machines, storage buckets, and databases. You can create multiple projects within a GCP account.

  3. IAM: IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a service that allows you to manage access to GCP resources. You can create roles and assign permissions to users and groups.

  4. VPC: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) is a networking service that allows you to create and manage virtual private networks on the cloud. You can configure firewall rules and subnets.

  5. Load Balancing: Load Balancing is a service that allows you to distribute traffic across multiple instances of your application. GCP provides several load balancing options.

  6. Autoscaling: Autoscaling is a service that allows you to automatically adjust the number of instances of your application based on traffic. You can configure autoscaling policies.

  7. Monitoring: Monitoring is a service that allows you to monitor the health and performance of your GCP resources. You can create alerts and dashboards.

  8. Logging: Logging is a service that allows you to collect and analyze logs from your GCP resources. You can export logs to other services such as BigQuery and Cloud Storage.

  9. Deployment Manager: Deployment Manager is a service that allows you to create and manage GCP resources using templates. You can define your infrastructure as code.

  10. Cloud Shell: Cloud Shell is a web-based command-line interface that allows you to manage your GCP resources from anywhere. It provides access to the GCP SDK and other tools.


GCP is a powerful cloud computing platform that provides a range of services for building, deploying, and managing applications and services on the cloud. This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive overview of GCP and its various components, concepts, and topics. Use this cheat sheet as a reference guide when getting started with GCP.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - A suite of cloud computing services offered by Google.
2. Cloud Computing - The delivery of computing services over the internet.
3. Virtual Machine (VM) - A software emulation of a physical computer.
4. Compute Engine - A virtual machine service offered by GCP.
5. Kubernetes - An open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
6. Container - A lightweight, standalone executable package that includes everything needed to run an application.
7. Docker - A platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers.
8. App Engine - A platform as a service (PaaS) offering for developing and deploying web applications.
9. Cloud Storage - A scalable object storage service offered by GCP.
10. BigQuery - A fully-managed, serverless data warehouse for analytics.
11. Cloud SQL - A fully-managed relational database service offered by GCP.
12. Cloud Spanner - A globally-distributed, horizontally-scalable relational database service offered by GCP.
13. Cloud Datastore - A NoSQL document database service offered by GCP.
14. Cloud Pub/Sub - A messaging service for exchanging data between applications.
15. Cloud Functions - A serverless compute service for running event-driven code.
16. Cloud Run - A fully-managed serverless container platform for running stateless HTTP containers.
17. Cloud Build - A fully-managed continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) platform for building and deploying applications.
18. Cloud Deployment Manager - A tool for creating and managing GCP resources through declarative configuration files.
19. Cloud Monitoring - A monitoring and logging service for GCP resources.
20. Cloud Logging - A logging service for GCP resources.

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